Tillson & Co.
F. B. Tillson & Andrew Craig
April 10, 1882 - August 10, 1882
The partnership between Tillson & Craig would last only last five months, dissolving by mutual consent, on August 10, 1882.
What little is known about this period in the pottery’s history comes from an interesting and informative article in the Tilsonburg Observer on May 19, 1882, in which is recorded
“… that there are altogether, five men and four boys connected with Messrs Tillson & Co.’s pottery.” “…that the capabilities of even this small staff are greatly in excess of twice the amount of skilled labor on the old style of “kick wheel”, such as used in the Welding establishment in Brantford. As an instance of the rapidity with which this company’s skilled workman – who have all been brought from Scotland – can turn out finished work, we give the

following result of our own observations; One of the Tillson & Co.’s throwers finished on the wheel two one-pound mustard jars in sixty seconds, or at the rate of one hundred and twenty to the hour. It is but fair to say that the man was at his ordinary work and did not know he was timed. We were told afterwards that quart bottles could be made equally as fast."
Pieces marked Tillson & Co. are rare and to date only the above mentioned mustard jars have been seen by museum staff.